
I am listened to…

“Having the opportunity to speak about how I was feeling about returning to work was helpful just in itself. Arabella illuminated the situation in ways I hadn’t previously considered.”

 — Alice, Campaign Manager.

“I felt it was an extremely non-judgemental environment within which to discuss very personal and emotional feelings. I felt very safe to have these conversations with her. I also felt that Arabella never over pushed a topic or pace, letting me drive those for my benefit.”

 — Lauren, Senior IT executive.

“Definitely felt a lot better afterwards, just being able to ‘air’ concerns that were previously too embarrassing or shameful to discuss was extremely helpful. I definitely came away feeling lighter and I haven’t felt as anxious as I did before the session.”

— Beth, Assistant Medical Administrator 



listened to…



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I am challenged…

“During the session you challenged me to think about my return to work in a different way. One of the first things you encouraged me to do was acknowledge that I had been through a big life event and had taken the longest time away from work since my career began. It seems obvious but I hadn’t considered this before, and this was very helpful.”

— Alice, Campaign Manager.

“Arabella provides a valuable external view away from work culture, family history etc to help overcome preconceptions and mental blocks. Arabella has a real skill in her abilities here, as well as empathy and life experience to provide such guidance and counsel.”

“Arabella has challenged my thoughts in a really positive, non-judgemental manner and this type of support when returning to work after maternity is both rare and extremely helpful!”

— Lauren, Senior IT executive.

I am reflecting…

“Recapping and summarising as we went through the session was useful for me to hear my thoughts reflected back, helped highlight key points, and enabled me to clarify if something wasn’t quite right.”

“I have taken some time to reflect on the key themes that emerged and it has been helpful to be able to express in words to a colleague that I am in a period of transition over the coming weeks. I do feel calmer and more secure about navigating the coming period of transition.”

— Alice, Campaign Manager.


“After a helpful, first short introductory session, the scene was set for me to reflect on what I would find most useful to discuss and I was encouraged to take the lead as regards topics. It was really easy to quickly get into meaningful conversation which took directions valuable for me. During the session Arabella also led by providing options regarding continuing the conversation or changing topic to provide opportunities for reflection either then or at a later point. The session constantly focused around providing maximum benefit to the client without any other agendas.”

— Lauren, Senior IT executive.







I am supported…

“Going on maternity for the first time is a life changing experience, and having support negotiating your way back into work after significant changes mentally, physically and emotionally is incredibly valuable, particularly when a lot of employers are not necessarily clued up as to the challenges involved.”

— Lauren, Senior IT executive.